Our rug services.

Rug Cleaning

Professional cleaning services are available for your rugs and recommended every 1-3 years based on traffic intensity. Our specialized process is tailored for hand-knotted rugs, preserving their beauty and value. Additionally, we provide stain removal, moth treatment, and stain guard for an extra fee.

You have the flexibility to drop off your rugs at our brick & mortar location during business hours. Alternatively, if you prefer pickup and delivery, please email us to arrange a convenient time. Additional charges may apply.

Rug Repair and Restoration

Biss is partnered with an experienced repair and restoration rug business servicing all types of rugs. Minor repairs like binding are handled at their site, while more extensive work such as reweaving is entrusted to their accredited repair team in New York. Their skilled craftsmen have the expertise to repair, reweave, or restore even the most valuable antique carpets.

To receive a repair or restoration estimate, please bring your rug to our brick & mortar location or send us an email with detailed photos for a thorough assessment. We won't proceed with any work until you've had the chance to discuss the necessary repairs and receive a detailed estimate.